According to global poverty projections by UN Women, UNDP, and the Pardee Center for International Futures, it’s estimated that in 2022, 388 million women and girls will live in extreme poverty (compared to 372 million men and boys). However, the situation could deteriorate significantly. Under a “high-damage” scenario, the number could rise to 446 million for women and girls (and 427 million for men and boys).
Forecasts for global extreme poverty, both baseline and high-damage scenarios, broken down by gender (2017-2030).
Based on recent predictions, a staggering 83.7% of the globe’s extremely impoverished women and girls are expected to reside primarily in two regions: Sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for 62.8%, and Central and Southern Asia, making up 20.9%.
Female population living in extreme poverty, by region, 2022 (in millions)
This latest data update not only provides insights into poverty levels by gender using the $3.20, $5.50, and national poverty lines but also uncovers intriguing trends. For instance, while only 2.2% of women and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean are considered impoverished at the $1.90 poverty line, this figure jumps to 30% under national poverty estimates, which are based on a specific median income threshold of the country during the measurement or projection period. Across all global regions, the rates of poverty among females exceed those of males at one or more of the poverty thresholds ($1.90, $3.20, $5.50, and national poverty line).
Female poverty rates by region, using the US$1.90, US$3.20 and US$5.50 line, 2022 projections
Female poverty rates by region, using national poverty line estimates, 2022 projections
While the pandemic has significantly exacerbated poverty levels, this worsening situation is not inevitable. With targeted policy measures and a concerted effort towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it’s possible to alter these dire trends positively. Simulation analyses suggest that a holistic policy strategy, encompassing increased social protection spending, green economy investments, enhanced infrastructure, and improved education, could elevate approximately 150 million women and girls from poverty by 2030. These preliminary findings stem from a collaborative effort among UN Women, UNDP, and the University of Pardee Center for International Futures, utilizing the International Futures Modelling Platform. Given the ongoing uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, these forecasts and projections are subject to change. For the latest updates on this project and further data releases, please visit our website.
In line with these efforts, Tukki is dedicated to making investing more accessible to women, thereby promoting financial education and empowerment. Our platform offers a user-friendly interface and a savings goal feature, enabling users to set and achieve their financial objectives with ease. By providing the tools and knowledge necessary for financial independence, Tukki aims to contribute to reversing the trend of poverty and support women in their journey towards economic empowerment.
Source : Poverty deepens for women and girls, according to latest projections